tiistai 26. heinäkuuta 2011

Blog as Diary

I never did write diaries systematically. Every now and then I started, but soon gave up due to sheer laziness. I have had this blogspace for a few years now, but never had the energy to write anything. Then I started to feel a need to put down thoughts about my work, mostly to remember them later or because it might be nice to look at them years later and see how naive or ignorant I was at the time. For a few weeks now I have been using my Twitter account for this kind of purpose, but I soon became tired of having to count the symbols all the time. So I'll try this format.

I will mostly blog about philosophy which is my work and calling. My interest include Early Modern Philosophy, especially the rationalists and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. But I will not limit myself to philosophy only. I am also interested in history, (rock) music, fiction and films and I might every now and then blog about contemporary issues. But let's see how long it gets before I get tired of this.

One thing is clear. I am fairly lazy and sometimes busy and I will not promise steady flow of blogs. I like to put thing shortly, but I am glad to discuss should anyone want to.

Oh, and reason I am writing in English (I am a Finn living in Helsinki) is that philosophy is an international discipline and I am likely to blog about fairly specialized stuff for which I will probably not get much response from Finland only. I can, however, discuss in Finnish. I can also read Swedish, German, French and Latin. However, when I am writing (or if I am writing) about topics which has to with Finnish culture or politics or whatever and which are not intelligible to the international readers, I'll write in Finnish.

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